Writing Better Stories

writing (better) stories

Writing Better Stories

This book for teachers is all about freeing up creativity in kids. How to inspire everyone in the class at the same time? Consequently, it felt like the only right approach to designing this cover was to be totally free. The base image on the cover is of a favourite indoor plant of mine – used to convey the explosion of ideas. Collage elements were added, including samples of kids’ text with editors marks. I had lots of lovely feedback from the client and colleagues on this cover design, and I’m sure it was because the fun I had with it was evident in the final result.

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What to do when you have no great visual material to make an eye-catching cover? No problem, heh heh. A poor image of a teachers display was overlaid with samples of children’s text with a lovely burnt orange tint. Add some clean beautiful type, and a spot varnish on the title box and presto.

This book for teachers is all about literacy education. Hence the design needed to be warm, inviting and clear.